[googlemaps http://maps.google.com/maps?oe=utf-8&client=firefox-a&q=Pittsburgh&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Pittsburgh,+Allegheny,+Pennsylvania&gl=us&t=m&ll=40.440676,-79.995575&spn=0.313554,0.411987&z=10&iwloc=A&output=embed&w=300&h=300]
Mr. Mill’s and I visited Hamilton Sensei in Pittsburgh this past week. We were able to train with him from 5/17/12 through 5/20/12. As Always, we worked on basic body mechanics as they apply to kata moves and application. We worked the kata Sanchin, Wanshu, Ananku, and Seisan over the four day training period. On Saturday we had excellent morning and afternoon training with Mr. Hamilton’s seniors, Mr. Ochsenreiter, Mr. McKain, and Ms. Rhodan. They all were extremely helpful and insightful when teaching.
On Friday night we all went to Ms. Rhodan’s home for a wonderful dinner and great conversation.
If you are ever in Pittsburgh I would suggest you contact the Shorin no Tora Dojo of Hamilton Sensei and ask to participate in training: Shorin No Tora Dojo [www.sho-ha.com/ryu/]
Mr. Hamilton will be visiting the Kogawa Dojo in October of this year, 2012. The specific seminar dates and times will be announced in the near future.