We had a fantastic day of training with Mr. Jordan and several of his students. He critiqued the kata Niseishi Sho, correcting rhythm, breathing and posture. We worked the Kuniba Shogo, Soke Pinan Shodan, Nidan, and Sandan Hokei Kumite. It was enlightening to perform the Hokei Kumite and have the philosophy/theory presented as Mr. Jordan had learned from Kuniba, Soke. Mr. Jordan reviewed Matsumura Rohai, and specific aspects of Tomari Bassai and Bassai Dai. He reviewed and discussed inter-ryu-ha differences between Pinan Shodan, Nidan, and Sandan. Several application variations were discussed for the reviewed kata throughout the day. Mr. Jordan also shared historical information related to Shito-ryu, Shorin-ryu, and Goju-ryu.
Everyone learned from each other and new friendships were developed.